Because the Sea Savers know this to be true, we've sent over a few representatives (including Bianca, Maria Jose, and Laura) to the 5th grade classrooms. They touched over the basic facts about coral reefs and lionfish and were surprised to find out how much the kids already knew! They've been studying these topics in their own classroom in order to study how ecosystems work and why it is important to protect them. There were some trivia questions and silly games to help them remember which kind of coral was staghorn and elkhorn, and they had a blast! Keeping the 5th graders under control wasn't always easy, but they were mostly a very attentive and active audience.
Article by: Laura Losmozos
The Sea Savers have been working with CMS' robotics team, Team Drift for a few months now. After numerous meetings and information sessions, It's my delightfull pleasure to inform you about Team Drift hasfinished design of a lionfish-diminishing, poulation-controlling robot as the glorious result of our collaboration. Now, what the actual robot does in order to control this invasive species is still uncertain, since the following image is merely a "first draft". TheCMS robotics team has been extremely helpful through out this process, they've been completely willing to do anything form a lionfish crashcourse all the way to attending one of our Sea Saver meetings outsideof school. Thanks a lot to Team Drift for your cooperation, the SeaSavers look forward to our continued work Maria Laura Leon